Chatbots are becoming a more common way to navigate a user through an application. The Microsoft Bot Framework allows you to build those kind of chatbots, host them in Azure and integrate them with ease in …
Blog Posts
Apps can be pretty dull and only provide you with some static information. Wouldn’t it be awesome if your phone had eyes, ears and can learn from it’s context around you? Siri, Google Now and Cortana …
One of the things you can do with the Text Analytics API, is the ability to recognise sentiment. This simply means that this API is able to detect if a piece of text has a positive …
Since we’re now able to request user input using Prompt Dialogs in Bot Framework, we can take it another step further. At this stage, we’ve only added LUIS as a form of Artificial Intelligence to the …
There already are several articles on my blog around the subject of the Microsoft Cognitive Services. One that’s still missing, is LUIS – the Language Understanding Intelligent Service. So today, I’ll give you a brief introduction …
As an introduction, I’ve written already several articles here about the Microsoft Cognitive Services. By combining the power of machine learning and Xamarin, you’re able to make your apps smarter and more personal just like I …