If you’re trying to create automated tests for your Xamarin app, you must have stumbled across Xamarin.UITest. It’s a great way to bring the quality of your application to the next level. Just make sure to apply the best practices when using Xamarin.UITest (especially the Page Object Pattern) otherwise your code can get messy really fast. But when everything is set up properly, you can automatically test your application through the UI on over 1000 devices using Visual Studio App …
Tag: xamarin
Tags ffimageloading, xamarin, xamarin.forms
One of the things I really like about web development, is the usage of the background-position CSS property. It allows you to move a background image around within its container. …
Tags security, vulnerabilities, xamarin
If you like tools like SonarQube to continuously check your code quality and you’re a Xamarin developer that wants to make sure their app is secure, you’ll love the Xamarin …
CocosSharp is a library for building 2D games using C# and F#. It is a .NET port of the popular Cocos2D engine. I wanted to play around with this library …
Tags essentials, forms, plugin, xamarin
Xamarin.Essentials was casually name-dropped by Miguel and James during their sessions at Build, without being officially announced. This might be because the bits are still in Preview and they’re still …